You're speaking my language, Jasmine :) I really enjoyed this series and the practical application examples you provided!!

One thing that we started as newlyweds was a sub account that we moved a % of money each paycheque into. This was labelled our 'tithe' account and what I've loved so much about it is the fact that it's separate from our other money and so it feels easy to be generous with that money because, as the habit was formed, that money never felt like my personal money. We've been through a few single income stages in our marriage with university and babies and Dale's accident, but having that money set aside meant we could still support our niece's read-a-thon or donate to a friend's missions trip or send a gift card to someone moving and it didn't feel like a huge sacrifice.

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Lara! This is such a beautiful idea! Thank you for sharing it here. We just might have to give this a try. :) Thanks for reading and sharing here!

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